Sunday, February 28, 2010

First week of class

This past week my first class finally began. I went in prepared to use the entire 210 minutes, except I overestimated how much I would get through. Now that I better understand how courses work here, not to mention the students, I will be slowing down my delivery and delving further into the fundamentals that I thought they had learned already. I am already looking forward to my next class where I get to work in some Bob Ross (pictured).

Here you see Bob Ross painting a GUI. Eventually, by the fourth class, the students will have created a little game where a tank or buoy shoots a cannon at a target. My application is shown below, with a picture of me surfing in Ocean Beach, winter of 2005.

Finally, since today is the last day of February, I had to record and post the Tune of the Month, which is "Orange in Bloom." I have no energy to make anything more creative, and since there are no green walls in our new apartment my options are limited. Enjoy!

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