Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Bicycle Built for Us!

Last week we found a tandem bicycle in good shape for sale at a very reasonable price. Bob went alone to Taarbaek to get it, which is nearly 10 kilometers from home, and rode it back alone --- taking many wrong streets on the way. Passer-bys were confused why one person was missing. Only 5 minutes from collapsing, he eventually made it home to the excited shrieks of Carla.

These shrieks turned into screams of terror when Carla learned while in motion that Bobby did not yet know how to safely commandeer a bicycle built for two. But after a few hours of practice, and a clear code agreed upon (pedal, coast, brake, and what are you doing back there?), the option of riding to work Monday together safely becomes real!

Below, Bob, sans helmet because of confidence, takes Caitlin on a whirl!

Now, all that is missing is a name. The favorites include:

Rødgrød med fløde (strawberries and cream, a Danish summertime dessert)
Big Red
The Red Baron

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