Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Visit from our BFFFs

Our Best French Friends Forever (BFFFs) paid us a visit right in time for our big snow!

That is sissy Katie, lille bébé Iris, and proud papa Olivier! On that day we all went downtown to have shawerma, and see the Strøget and the holiday markets. Lille Iris was warm as a bed bug, and bravely dodged the snow missiles I hurled at her mother's head.

Carla and I bought a very Danish hat to prepare Iris for the cold. She loved it on her somewhat oversized head. What a cutie!

On the Strøget, which is the main shopping street downtown, we saw a shop that had a Christmastime display full of the dark Danish humor we love. At right we see Farfar (Grandfather), who apparently won an award for becoming a fine sausage.

Their visit was much too short, but in our time together we had an extreme amount of hygge (cozy familial feelings) with traditional Danish cooking, candles, games, laughing, and borderline-aggressive play fighting in the snow. And now they are convinced to someday be our neighbors in Denmark! Carla and I sure hope that comes to pass. :)

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